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Like every writer, having ghostwritten books for other people to publish, my goal has always been clear to me - to one day publish my own novel. Thankfully that time is getting closer and closer, and I am very pleased to introduce you to my current titles and works-in-progress, coming soon.

Current and Coming Soon

Books: Project

The Write Way


A creative writing prompt workbook to beat out procrastination and get you unstuck with your story. 

The Write Way E-book


The abridged e-book version of The Write Way, containing all the same prompts in a more compact form.

A Knights Passion


A Historical Romance Novel. 

The Write Way Abridged 


The abridged paperback version of The Write Way, containing all the same prompts in a more compact form for writers that want to use their own medium.

The Daily Writing Practice Journal


A creative writing journal for dedicated fiction writers, to help install that daily writing habit into our lives and keep track of our creative goals.

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